Pics of the Week

Upcoming:  As we continue to try to compensate for the disruptions of Covid, each class has been producing something special, be it a play, or a musical video, or a mini-yearbook.  Thank you teachers for making this year special in spite of all you challenges.

Week at a glance:  

May 26: Final Hot Lunch (THANK YOU NARAYAN)
May 28:  Closed for Memorial Day

Best Links:  We have several slide show displays of Art Projects here.

Messages:  SAFETY:  Please WATCH your children once they are dismissed into your care!  If you are not watching, they will dart in and out between and behind cars that are trying to back out, as well as interfere with incoming traffic.

Review:  Fifth and Sixth grades held their own Spelling Bee.  Enjoy the pics of the participants with winner Elisabeth and Runner Up Erlis.